To connect and activate your social accounts, go to Settings > Social Networks.
You can connect these social networks (and profile types) in Post Planner:
Facebook: pages
Instagram: business and creator accounts (must be linked to your FB pages)
Threads: any account
Google Business profiles
LinkedIn: profiles and pages
Pinterest: any account
Twitter: any account
TikTok: personal accounts
YouTube: any account
Bluesky: any account
To connect a social network, go to Settings > Social Networks and click "Connect" on the relevant row.
Once you click "Connect", please accept/allow ALL permissions that Post Planner asks for. We only request the minimum permissions we need to make the app work for you.
Here are specific instructions for connecting each network:
Click "Connect" on Facebook row
Accept and allow ALL permissions
Connect ALL pages
If you connect only a subset of your pages, your connection for Facebook and Instagram will likely fail
Please connect ALL your pages and then activate only the ones you want to use Post Planner to post to
Post Planner will pull in all the pages your FB personal profile is admin of
Post Planner will also display the profile pic of the connected FB personal profile.
You will NOT be able to activate your personal profile for posting. Facebook does not allow apps like Post Planner to post to personal profiles.
We display your FB profile pic to help you see which pages are linked to each FB personal profile you connect in Post Planner (you can connect as many FB accounts/profiles as you need)
You can connect as many FB profiles (and their pages) as you need (see below)
To connect your Instagram business or creator accounts, you must first connect your Facebook account
Once you have your Facebook connected, just click "Connect" on the Instagram row
Post Planner will pull in ALL the Instagram business and creator accounts you have linked to your connected Facebook pages
Click "Connect" on Threads row
Using the popup that appears, login to your Instagram account that is associated with your Threads account
Choose "Continue" in Step 2 to connect your account
Google Business
Click "Connect" on Google row
The Google account you are currently logged in to (on the same browser) will be connected, once you re-enter your login info
Post Planner will then pull in all the Google business profiles you administer
You can connect as many Google accounts as you like (see below)
Click "Connect" on LinkedIn row
The LinkedIn account you are currently logged in to (on the same browser) will be connected, once you re-enter your login info
Post Planner will then pull in your LinkedIn profile, plus all the LinkedIn pages your profile is an admin of
You can connect as many LinkedIn profiles (and their pages) as you like (see below)
Click "Connect" on Pinterest row
The Pinterest account you are currently logged in to (on the same browser) will be connected, once you re-enter your login info
You can connect as many Pinterest accounts as you need (see below)
Click "Connect" on Twitter row
The Twitter account you are currently logged in to (on the same browser) will be connected, once your re-enter your login info
You can connect as many Twitter accounts as you need (see below)
Click "Connect" on the TikTok row
The TikTok account you are currently logged in to (on the same browser) will be connected, once you re-enter your login info
You can connect as many TikTok accounts as you need (see below)
Click "Connect" on YouTube row
The YouTube account you are currently logged in to (on the same browser) will be connected, once you re-enter your login info
You can connect as many YouTube accounts as you need (see below)
Go here to see your Bluesky username:
IMPORTANT: Be sure to use your username ONLY as "username" in the Post Planner Bluesky login. Do NOT include the that is automatically appended to your username. For example, use "postplanner" not ""
Generate a new app and unique app password here:
Copy password and add to password field in Post Planner Bluesky login.
How to connect multiple accounts per network
After you've connected your first account on any network, you can then connect additional accounts on the same network β including additional Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.
Here's how to connect additional accounts:
Facebook, Instagram, Threads
Click "Connect more" on Facebook row
This "Connect more" action will:
connect to the FB account you are currently logged in to on the same browser
connect that FB account along with (1) all pages your account is an admin of, and (2) the Instagram business accounts linked to your connected pages
Google Business
Click "Connect more" on Google row
This "Connect more" action will:
connect to the Google account you are currently logged in to on the same browser β and may ask you to re-enter your login info
connect your Google account along with all the business profiles your account is an admin of
Click "Connect more" on LinkedIn row
This "Connect more" action will:
connect to the LinkedIn account you are currently logged in to on the same browser β and will ask you to re-enter your login info
connect your LinkedIn account along with all the pages your account is an admin of
Click "Connect more" on Pinterest row
This "Connect more" action will:
connect to the Pinterest account you are currently logged in to on the same browser β and will ask you to re-enter your login info
Click "Connect more" on Twitter row
This "Connect more" action will:
connect to the Twitter account you are currently logged in to on the same browser β and will ask you to re-enter your login info
Click "Connect more" on TikTok row
This "Connect more" action will
connect to the TikTok account you are currently logged in to on the same browser β and will ask you to re-enter your login info
Click "Connect more" on YouTube row
This "Connect more" action will
connect to the YouTube account you are currently logged in to on the same browser β and will ask you to re-enter your login info
Click "Connect more" on Bluesky row
This "Connect more" action will
connect to the Bluesky account you are currently logged in to on the same browser β and will ask you to re-enter your login info
How to activate/deactivate accounts
Once you have your social accounts all connected, it's easy to activate and deactivate your connected profiles and pages.
Simply click them to activate and deactivate.
Active accounts = green circular border + green checkmark
Inactive accounts = dimmed image and no green border or checkmark
NOTE: to deactivate an active account, you must delete all its scheduled posts first.